Currently, only two provinces (Manitoba and Ontario) have adopted the Unified Rules as drafted by the CrazyBall Athletic Council of Canada in 2018. Amendments to the official rules include the following:
- Assemble two teams, each with an equal number of players.
- After calling out “Ready” “Set” and “Crazy Ball”, each team throws their balls as far away from the other team as possible.
- Players then run and grab the ball that the opposing player threw and try to hit their opponents with them. You can only hit your opponents with the balls that they started with. You cannot pick up and use the balls that you started with.
- Certain colors will correspond with each team – per the approval of a certified Gamelord*.
- If you get hit, you have to take the offending ball (and only that ball) hold it against your head, and spin around in a full circle while yelling “Crazy ball!” 3 times. This is called the “Crazy Spin”.
- When a player successfully hits an opposing player, you can perform jumping jacks while the opposing player is conducting a “Crazy Spin”. Each jumping jack awards that player’s team a point.
- If a player gets hit with ANY ball while doing jumping jacks, they become “snarfed”. They still earn the points they got up to that point, but must cease jumping.
- If the player that got snarfed manages to catch the ball that snarfed them, then they get a snarf point. 3 snarf points equal 1 normal point.
- Some leagues permit a 5-Point Butt Bonus, when a player successfully hits their opponent’s posterior with a ball. This is quite common in Winnipeg league play.
- If the balls of two opposing players collide – then they can perform a “switcharoo”. The two players run at each-other and whoever is able to punch the opposing player first, gets all of the opposing team’s points, plus 1.
- Each round in Crazy Ball is 1 minute, and there are a maximum number of 30 rounds per game. A certified GameLord keeps time for each round, and in their absence the timing is at the discretion of a universally recognized Crazy Ball Champion.
- At the end of each round the points are counted. During this time each team has an opportunity to “drop a ham”, which means they select one player to challenge a specific player to a standoff. The two players stand back to back, and when told to “drop” by a certified GameLord, they walk 5 paces and then turn and throw a ball at the opposing player. Whoever gets hit in this standoff gets a “ham” (10 snarf points). Each team can “drop a ham” only once during a game, and it must be done in-between rounds.
- Whichever team reaches 67 points first, wins; or is closest to 67 points after 30 rounds.
*In the absence of a certified GameLord, consult with a universally recognized Crazy Ball Champion.
The complete set of official CrazyBall rules can be found here.